Thursday, January 14, 2016

Happy New Year! Hooray for 2016!

 Got this here.

So, I think it's about time to dust this thing off and start blogging again.

We - the cupcake girls - were talking the other day and someone made mention that we hit a slump...

Um, yeah...

...we sure did. Pretty much all of 2015, if we're being completely honest. (Not that that's news to anyone who - fingers crossed - still checks this every so often). Sorry for the radio silence.

But, life and slumps happen so we just have to pick ourselves up and get this going again. We are on week #2 of our new "super motivated" lives and so far, so good. I'll speak for myself and say that I haven't been 100% great, but I have lost 4 pounds in this new year. I'm okay with that. Onward and upward.

We still let Mike beat on us a couple of times a week. I actually just got home from the gym and pretty much just want to go to bed. At 7:30. 

I'm so old.

But, everything hurts.

Mike has a new trainer at his gym named KB. Aside from being very nice to look at - he totally is - he is a very talented boxer. I find that very cool...and really badass. The down side of this is that now WE have to box. It was (kinda) fun the first couple of times we did it. Okay, actually, it was fun to get to hit Mike but it's a super hard workout so the not being able to breathe part sucked, but we felt good later.

Like, the next day later.

We are currently doing this rotating workout thing where we each do a specific workout for the whole hour, then switch with another girl the next time and do a different workout until we've done all 4. Well, boxing for the entire hour is in the rotation. It sounds fun. Mike wraps our hands and we get to wear gloves and beat on him...but, in reality, it's so hard.

Hands down in the top 3 hardest workouts any of us have ever done. Right up there with doing 1 million burpees up the bleachers.


My turn to box for the hour was Tuesday and man, was it rough. I started out strong. Excited for a new challenge. That lasted for about 36 seconds. After that, I pretty much just wanted to die. Mike did let me rest...but only for 30 seconds at a time. A complete slap in the face.

Oh, and speaking of slaps in the face, if we don't keep our hands up in between hits to guard our faces, Mike totally smacks us in the face! So rude, but we caught on pretty fast and the face smacking was minimal. It just makes us tougher, right? (Ok, before you call DCFS or whoever you call for adult abuse, it wasn't hard, just a tap. He was just trying to be funny and it's good that he doesn't baby us).

I mean, it's good sometimes but mostly just sucks.

So, I was feeling pretty confident at the beginning of my boxing time and KB came over and helped me with my form and stuff. He was complimentary about my performance and told me that he was impressed and that I was doing well. 

Great. Always nice to hear.

Maybe I'll just be a professional boxer one day. 

Ha ha. Um, no. Actually, my Laila Ali dreams were quickly dashed as soon as I saw the following photos Brianne took, completely unbeknownst to me:

Clearly, KB lies.

I mean, seriously, can I look any more uncoordinated and/or lame? Probably not :/ 

(I'm not self-sabotaging, I just pictured it differently in my head)

<< Side observation/question: Why is Mike dressed like Rocky? >>

The following meme applies perfectly to this situation:

Some memes are spot on and that one is absolutely true.

Here is a little video Mike took of me.

Told you KB is hot.

Here are a couple more of Erica and Charis in action. I'll have them write posts of their boxing experiences.

Here's to a healthy 2016!