Thursday, October 30, 2014

Get Started

My best big brother has said, "The best time to start is now. From this moment, it just gets harder."

{Or something like that. I probably shouldn't put quotes around it because it's really just a paraphrase, but you get the idea.}

I completely agree with him.

This applies to everything in life, but most especially to health and fitness.

How many hundreds of times in my lifetime have I said, "I'll just have this cookie/cake/Krispie Kreme doughnut/bag of Doritos and I'll start a new diet tomorrow/on Monday/at New Year's."???

I, obviously, don't know the exact number, but I'm pretty sure I can't even count that high.

Right now is the very best time to start changing your life for the better. 

It only gets harder from here.

So, put down that bag of salt and vinegar potato chips, strap on your running shoes and get moving!

You are worth it! 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Can You Stay For Dinner?

I love this blog. Andie Mitchell is a girl after my own heart. She is funny and witty and very inspiring.

I love how she writes.

She wrote an incredible post last month called Taking Up Space and Acting Small.

Click here to read it.

I can relate to a lot of things she says in this post. A lot of her experiences are familiar to me. I have never been one to say, "I'm sorry" a lot, but have apologized for who I am and what I lack in other ways - mostly non-verbal. Not to say that I have always struggled with low self-esteem (I have my moments) but I have always been aware that I haven't been what society defines as beautiful and, as a result, I have made myself invisible in a lot of situations.

I have always been bigger than girls my age - and even most of the boys. I realized that my size was a problem at a very young age. Little girls I played with would say really mean things to me - some intentional, some not. Like Andie, I have always been tall and nothing about me is small or petite and so I have "apologized" for this by being shy and blending into the background. Not so much in my adult life, but a lot from elementary school to well into college. 

I remember the faculty at my junior high lining us all up in the hallway - every single student - and weighing us in front of everyone.

I weighed 140.

In 7th grade.

I was so embarrassed because most of my friends were barely over 100 lbs - if even that. I was also 5'7" so I wasn't obese by any means, but I felt huge because puberty hit me fast and hard and I developed before just about everyone else.

There was only one guy taller than me in 7th grade - Trent. He was nice and would dance with me at school dances, but I was embarrassed. I truly wish I had the confidence and experience I have now to stand tall and be proud, but I was embarrassed because I was different.

The other day, I read an article on Facebook written by a completely insensitive a**hole who had to sit next to an obese man on a plane. I won't even give this guy the honor of finding the article and putting the link because, frankly, he is a big bully who doesn't deserve to be recognized.

The jerk - in an extremely derogatory way - talked about how this fellow passenger was huge and disgusting and smelled awful and had no self respect and how he ruined his (the author's) trip and should have had to buy 2 tickets because he was too large to fit into one seat. I get that traveling is uncomfortable - for everyone - but, even more so when you're over-weight. 

I also completely understand that this large man is so much more aware of his size and the space he takes up than any other person on the planet. He does not need some jerk to point it out - in person or in some passive/aggressive Facebook article.

Okay, I've already given this guy way too much of my time and energy, but it is so sad to me that there are people - a lot of people - who seem to think it's okay to treat others awful because of their size and/or appearance. Or, just ignore them because they aren't worth their time.

I have experienced this first-hand on many occasions. Specifically, 2 guys who I have known for a long time have suddenly taken a keen interest in me, now that I am - in their eyes - better looking and, so, now I'm dateable. This really pisses me off. I am the exact same person I was 60 pounds ago. Why was I not good enough then?!

(I am not bitter...really!)

<<however, there is no way I am ever going out with either one of them>>

Mean/ignorant people are the reason it is common for those who are over-weight or different in other ways to 'act small and apologize for taking up space,' as Andie writes.

I love how she ends her post:

"Taking up space and acting small is such a real part of life for all of us who are fat, at one point or another. It’s those who are able to realize that owning the real estate of our bodies is more than just fine, but the investment of a lifetime, that are the ones to admire.
I’m working on it. And not just because I am or am not small, but because I don’t need the smallness anymore. I don’t want it. It’s fine to take that space, be big in ways literal and not, and to like it. I won’t die when not everyone likes me. They can’t. They won’t.
I’m taking space now. And I’m sorry but that feels really good."

No more acting small, my friends. Whether we are big, little, orange or purple. No more being sorry for who we are. Each one of us has so much to offer this world and we aren't doing anyone any favors by hiding or apologizing for just being alive.

(p.s. I can't wait to read Andie's book!)

(go here to hear/see her TED talk)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

It Just Keeps Getting Better

Tonight’s workout was brutal.

 As in, I was literally crying at one point. 

I know this is nothing new and I should just expect it but Mr. Mike has sure upped his game the past couple of weeks.

It all started 2 weeks ago when I dragged myself down Commercial Street after ‘sprinting’ to the stop sign (well into the workout, I might add) and Mike pulled me aside to have a little chat. However, there was nothing ‘little’ about it. He literally called me out right there in the parking lot about not giving my all in the workout. (Like I would have a bad attitude about anything, geez). It made me feel really bad because I was working hard and I felt like I was giving everything I had. I mean, I could hardly breathe for crying out loud. He said that he was disappointed that I wasn’t keeping up with Brianne like I usually do. What? Are you new? Really? I have never, not even ONE time finished even close to Brianne. She is amazing and I am not there quite yet.

I mean, look at her legs.


But, message received - like I've said 100 times, he's a great trainer and he'll get me to work my hardest any way he can...including guilt! As a result, I have also upped my game the past couple of weeks and have really sore muscles to prove it. How that is even possible, I have no idea. My muscles should be completely used to this and have no reason to be sore any longer, right?

And, don’t forget that just one week ago, I tossed my cookies celery at the top of the bleachers at Mountain View for all of Utah to see.

Good times for everyone.

So, tonight, he paired me up with Brianne – which, I actually kind of love because she pushes me really hard. I try my hardest not to finish everything like 20 minutes after her, so I get moving.

The highlight of tonight’s workout was when I was standing on 2 hand weights with my hands touching the ground right in front of my toes and moving my booty up and down in this weird squat thing.

Pain. Lots and lots of pain.

(That’s when I cried).

Then, I went to the stop sign and back. The assignment was to sprint there and back, but my body would just not cooperate. So, I kind of walked/jogged/army crawled my way down the street.

It wasn’t pretty.

And, of course, there were tons of people all around to enjoy the show. It’s always good to have an audience.

I got my hair cut after tonight’s workout - a very welcome moment of relaxation and a reward for surviving the workout. (Don’t worry, I showered first). My stylist/friend asked me what my favorite part of the new me is. There are lots of things I like but I told her that I love being strong. I love that my body feels so good and I am comfortable in my own skin. I love that life is just easier. That it’s easier to get up off the couch, out of bed and to just move around in general. I have better coordination (not perfect, but better - I still stumble around a lot). I like that I feel healthy and in control.

Sorry, that’s a whole lot more than one thing.

I just need reminders that all of this pain and suffering is actually worth it.

(Here's my new haircut).

I am also way into selfies now (I know, that’s really weird and I probably shouldn't admit it). It’s the inner self-absorbed 14-year-old me clamoring to come out. I love that I don’t have a double chin anymore.

In closing, I haven’t introduced my theme song yet. I LOVE Megan Trainor’s All About the Bass. Everyone at the gym and most of my friends know I’m obsessed with this song and people sometimes call me when it’s on so I can hear it. I love that people think of me at random times during the day. I play it pretty often at the gym. Pretty sure that people are getting annoyed. But, oh well.

It’s so important to find enjoyment in hard things and find things that are motivating - like selfies and silly songs.

We only live once so we might as well make the most of it, right?

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


So a couple of posts back I made a declaration of my giving up the “Nectar of the Gods” Diet Mountain Dew…  So I wanted to give you all an update on how it’s going.

Does that answer your question???  

Yes, this is going to be harder than I thought.

Onward and upward! Tomorrow is another day!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

MVHS Track

When the weather cooperates, Mike trains us at a high school track. We spend most of our time on the bleachers (of course, because they are so painful) but we run on the track a lot too. He's also been known to make us jump squat up and down the length of the football field.

We haven't been in a few months because it's been so hot.

Thursday's workout was our big return and we were all a little nervous because it had been so long.

I can honestly say that it was - by far - the hardest workout to date. At least for me.

I have never been pushed so hard and been so physically exhausted.

Brianne is such an athlete. She makes any workout look easy. She always leaves me in the dust, but there is no one else I would rather follow.

I hope to be as in shape as she is one day....SOON!

Sorry for the booty shot. I was about 1/2 way through the first set of bleachers. It got a lot worse.

(One cool part of today was that I noticed a huge difference in my ability to do jump squats up the bleachers. They are still unbelievably difficult and exhausting, but are doable. It's so encouraging to see progress).

Go Erica! She is such a hard worker!

Great job Rae! You are improving so much!

All of us in action. We need more close-up shots of Crystal. She has had a lot of personal struggles but is making progress.

And, here is cute Charis. I didn't zoom in too close to her since my parents read this blog and she is giving Mike the one-finger salute. She is such a character and works really hard. She is in great shape.

The last thing we had to do (at least Brianne and I ----> I was so exhausted that I didn't really pay attention to what everyone else was doing) but we had to do burpees up the bleachers. We started with one squat, one push up and one rep of jumping our legs forward, then back.

Then, we jumped up to the next step and did 2 of each, then 3 of each and so on...all the way up 18 steps.

It doesn't really sound like a big deal, huh?

Well, it was. Huge.

Here is the grand total. I was literally sick when I finished. Right there at the top of the bleachers at Mountain View High School. It was pretty embarrassing.

But, I did it.

And, I am so proud of all my girls for working so hard too. I really have the best team.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

The pain is real and the soreness inexplicable....

Our good friend Nick has recently started training with Mike.

We are so proud of him and love to share horror stories because only people who have experienced Mike's torture can truly understand.

We got this email from Nick yesterday:

"I was sore going into the workout today, but by the time I got home, I literally could not move my arms...  That has definitely never happened to me before, even when I worked out hardcore in the past. Getting my car into reverse required two hands, and my gallon jug of water is just way too heavy to lift... Thank goodness for straws! I'm starting to understand your pain.  Oddly enough, my legs aren't too bad.  Thank you for evoking hell upon me!  It's kicking my butt right now, but feels really good at the same time."

Keep at it Nick! You're a rock star!

Friday, October 17, 2014

We Tease Because We Care

We love to harass Mike.

Here's a little video from last night's workout.

He is such a good sport.

We are so lucky that he's not only our trainer, but he's also a good friend. He is such a great guy.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Make It Fun!

Let's be real, workouts are rarely fun.

It's mostly just sweat and pain and more sweat.

And a little lot more pain.

However, when you get to work out with friends, workouts can be fun. Here is a photo documentary of last Tuesday's workout.

(Buckle up - it's not pretty)

We are a rough bunch.

(Check out Brianne's legs - hot!)

We look a lot happier than we feel. Running the block isn't our favorite activity. Mostly because it's always during rush hour on 8th North. No bueno.

Yep, this pretty much sums up our group and the level of commitment we bring.

(Just kidding - we bring our A game to each workout)

So, we had the great idea to mix stuff up by warming up with a good, old-fashioned piggyback race.

(You would think the guys would be all over that - weird)

However, not one other person thought it was a good idea - not embarrassing at all - so, Brianne and I decided to show them that it was, in fact, super fun.

We sure showed them.

After the one-man (2-girl) race, we headed inside for about 1,000,000 push-ups.

Just look at us go.

The tricky (horrible) part was that we had to do one normal push-up (yeah, a girl's push-up, but we are girls, so back off!) and then balance on a medicine ball and do every other push-up on that.

For those of us who aren't super coordinated (me), it was pretty difficult.

But, we suffered through - barely.

Next up were squats...with weights.

(Do you love how Mike has become our official workout photographer? He gets really excited about it.)

So, I know this next picture is completely awful and the shutter speed was way too slow to catch our super fast squats but I love it for so many reasons. Here are 5 of those reasons:

1. Even though there is nothing sexy about a squat, we look okay.

2. Brianne has incredible legs.

3. My butt doesn't look humongous in this picture.

4. We are working really hard, and...

5. Erica and Rae are not working hard - they are literally just hanging out in the background, watching us.

Which is super hilarious.

Totally busted girls!

And this next picture is ugly and cool all at the same time. We look pretty great grunting through our sit-ups (not at all).

My favorite part of this picture - and maybe the whole day - is that when Jess was done training his client, he just came over and sat down next to us to chat.

He's really nice.

So, that's a little of what our workouts are like. Or rather, what we look like huffing and puffing through our workouts.

It's fun to see our own and each other's progress. This whole experience has, for sure, been life-changing.

I never imagined a year ago that this would be my life.

But, I am so grateful!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

My Declaration

I hereby declare that going forth, starting 10/15/2014 I will not be partaking of the nectar of the gods “soda” namely “Diet Mountain Dew” from Monday to Friday… I will occasionally treat myself on the weekends.  

(Because, honestly, saying I will never partake again is just setting myself up for failure).

I have really had a problem lately with soda.  I know diet soda is free of calories but, for me, I know it makes me crave other not-so-good-for-me foods!  I seem to think a diet soda tastes best with any kind of salty, yummy carbs I can get my hands on.  I have really been struggling lately with falling off the wagon.

I need a swift kick to my BUTT!!!

I need to realize I CAN reach my goals!!!  I have been very self-defeating lately convincing myself that if I make a bad food choice that my WHOLE day is shot which means for me “free for all eating”.  Instead of saying to myself “Erica, it was not a good decision to eat that brownie but I am going to turn this around and make the best decisions the rest of the day.”  It really goes more like this “Erica, I just ate a brownie so since I am probably over on my calories for the day I will go HOG WILD and have a “Dairy Queen Blizzard!!!” 

(by the way, this is a true story from yesterday)

So, this girl is going to pull herself up by her BOOT STRAPS (as my mother would say) and get back on that horse!!!

Who’s with me to make a change in their lives too???

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


I have known Erica for over 8 years. She is such a good person and is truly beautiful inside and out.

She always has been.

She is such a hard worker and is always positive. She encourages the rest of us and always has a smile on her face.

I am lucky to have her as a friend.

It's so fun to see the progress she is making.

She's a foxy lady!