Friday, October 3, 2014

Brew Ha Ha 5k Prep

So, we are doing another 5k - hooray!

I don't think I will ever be a 'runner' because I don't think running will ever be fun for me. However, 5k's are short enough that the pain doesn't last too long so, when I'm forced to run, which happens more often than I like, this is what I do. 

Actually, I do enjoy running (let's be honest, walk/jogging) these little races with my girls. The excitement and sense of accomplishment are fun.

Plus, this is a witch race so that's right up our alley.

And, the most exciting part is that we decided to wear tutus and little witch hats for the race.

This was our inspiration, but we didn't want to spend $35 on something we can make ourselves. So, being the crafty girls we are, we headed to Hobby Lobby and got busy. 

We bought a whole lot of tulle. It's so fun being a girl. 

After last night's workout, we headed to Brianne's house to get our costumes ready. 

Sorry for the following crotch shot. I just want to show that I was literally buried in a mountain of glitter. 

Not that that's a bad thing. 

I'll seriously be sparkling for days. That stuff gets everywhere. I don't think B's house will ever recover. 

So sexie.

We had a lot of fun. These girls are crazy.

It's hard to tell in this picture, but I had so much glitter everywhere.

Bring on the race!

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