Wednesday, October 15, 2014

My Declaration

I hereby declare that going forth, starting 10/15/2014 I will not be partaking of the nectar of the gods “soda” namely “Diet Mountain Dew” from Monday to Friday… I will occasionally treat myself on the weekends.  

(Because, honestly, saying I will never partake again is just setting myself up for failure).

I have really had a problem lately with soda.  I know diet soda is free of calories but, for me, I know it makes me crave other not-so-good-for-me foods!  I seem to think a diet soda tastes best with any kind of salty, yummy carbs I can get my hands on.  I have really been struggling lately with falling off the wagon.

I need a swift kick to my BUTT!!!

I need to realize I CAN reach my goals!!!  I have been very self-defeating lately convincing myself that if I make a bad food choice that my WHOLE day is shot which means for me “free for all eating”.  Instead of saying to myself “Erica, it was not a good decision to eat that brownie but I am going to turn this around and make the best decisions the rest of the day.”  It really goes more like this “Erica, I just ate a brownie so since I am probably over on my calories for the day I will go HOG WILD and have a “Dairy Queen Blizzard!!!” 

(by the way, this is a true story from yesterday)

So, this girl is going to pull herself up by her BOOT STRAPS (as my mother would say) and get back on that horse!!!

Who’s with me to make a change in their lives too???


  1. Go Erica!!! I believe in you and I know lots of others that do as well!!!

  2. I dunno if I believe this. I feel like I have heard this before. I will be conducting random desk sweeps to make sure you keep your promise.
