Sunday, October 19, 2014

MVHS Track

When the weather cooperates, Mike trains us at a high school track. We spend most of our time on the bleachers (of course, because they are so painful) but we run on the track a lot too. He's also been known to make us jump squat up and down the length of the football field.

We haven't been in a few months because it's been so hot.

Thursday's workout was our big return and we were all a little nervous because it had been so long.

I can honestly say that it was - by far - the hardest workout to date. At least for me.

I have never been pushed so hard and been so physically exhausted.

Brianne is such an athlete. She makes any workout look easy. She always leaves me in the dust, but there is no one else I would rather follow.

I hope to be as in shape as she is one day....SOON!

Sorry for the booty shot. I was about 1/2 way through the first set of bleachers. It got a lot worse.

(One cool part of today was that I noticed a huge difference in my ability to do jump squats up the bleachers. They are still unbelievably difficult and exhausting, but are doable. It's so encouraging to see progress).

Go Erica! She is such a hard worker!

Great job Rae! You are improving so much!

All of us in action. We need more close-up shots of Crystal. She has had a lot of personal struggles but is making progress.

And, here is cute Charis. I didn't zoom in too close to her since my parents read this blog and she is giving Mike the one-finger salute. She is such a character and works really hard. She is in great shape.

The last thing we had to do (at least Brianne and I ----> I was so exhausted that I didn't really pay attention to what everyone else was doing) but we had to do burpees up the bleachers. We started with one squat, one push up and one rep of jumping our legs forward, then back.

Then, we jumped up to the next step and did 2 of each, then 3 of each and so on...all the way up 18 steps.

It doesn't really sound like a big deal, huh?

Well, it was. Huge.

Here is the grand total. I was literally sick when I finished. Right there at the top of the bleachers at Mountain View High School. It was pretty embarrassing.

But, I did it.

And, I am so proud of all my girls for working so hard too. I really have the best team.

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