'Tis the season to be insanely busy, right?
Man, life is good but so, so crazy.
(However, not so crazy that I can't fit in at least one episode of New Girl each and every day).
I feel it's important to have priorities.
I saw this the other day and just about died laughing:
(So, Damon Wayans Jr can yell at me any time he wants...seriously. I have such a crush on that man).
Does this remind you of anyone you (or I) know?
Yeah, I can't quite put my finger on it either ;)
I sent this to Mike the other night and he was still laughing about it when I saw him 2 days later.
The funny part is that I tell people that this is how he is - that he's mean and yells at us all the time, but it's pretty far from the truth. I didn't realize how far from the truth it is until he actually tried to yell at us at Thursday's workout.
The poor guy cannot yell.
Don't get me wrong, he is mean. But, in more of a quiet, guilt-inducing way. And, he has these looks of murder that are serious enough that I do 100 burpees without much complaint.
Most days.
Okay, actually, no days because I complain all the time, but I typically do what he says.
Either way, I'm getting what I pay for.
And loving every minute of it.
(so not convincing)
So, yeah, my new thing is that when he tells me to do something I don't want to do (like 300 tricep dips - crazy!), I say "You're not the boss of me!"
Which is super ironic because, as we all know, he really is.
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