Tuesday, July 28, 2015

So Funny

It's a little ridiculous how addicted I am to my phone.

I mean, for crying out loud, I survived 21 years without a cell phone (yes, I'm old) but I can barely survive one whole day without it.

Sadly, yesterday, I got that opportunity. I traveled all the way to work (24 miles, 30+ minutes) before I realized that my beloved phone was laying on my kitchen counter.

Far beyond my reach. And, it would have been really irresponsible for me to drive all the way home at lunch to get it.

But, don't think for a second that I didn't seriously consider it cuz I most definitely did.

So, miraculously, I made it a full 11.5 hours sans SeƱor Cellphone. A modern-day miracle, for sure.

(I got home after 11 hours but crazy Erica bet me THREE packs of Orbit sweet mint gum that I couldn't resist checking my phone for 30 minutes after getting to my house).

I, like, totally won.

She had better pay up.

<<Please notice that I didn't say she bet me a large, delicious Mountain Dew or an irresistible maple bar from 7-11>>

I am trying so hard to be good...and, some days, I am pretty successful.

Anyhoo, the point of this post - and surviving the forever L-O-N-G day unplugged is that I missed Instagram the most.

Of all the stupid things.

I follow a lot of inspirational 'health' people --- from those who dedicate the majority of their time to diet and fitness, to those who fit it in whenever they can but who are pretty healthy despite time constraints. I also love the foodies who create/share delicious <<healthy>> recipes.

Some of my favorites are:


I am positive that there are a million more, so please send me your favorites!

I am always looking to waste more time on Instagram!

In closing, I would like to share 2 hilarious posts I found from another of my favorite Instagrammers, Dr Nora.

(she's absolutely hilarious, but not always clean and/or appropriate) I just scroll past a lot of her stuff...

You've been warned.

I've missed this. I won't promise that I'm back in full force, but I have missed blogging so I will try my darnedest to make this a habit again.

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