Friday, November 14, 2014

You Can't Make Me

I don't love to run. 

I never have and I'm pretty positive I never, ever will. 

(Um, but let's be's been pretty well-documented on this blog that there isn't much physical activity that I do love).

Why do people think running is fun? Why do they choose to do it? It has to feel better for other people than it does for me. That's the only reason I can think of. 

I just got back from a 2 mile run - ummmm, let's continue to be honest, a 2 mile jog/walk/jog/walk/walk/walk. 

I was peer-pressured into it by a good friend who seemed really excited to go running with me. Little did she know that I have absolutely zero stamina and it turned from a run into a brisk walk pretty quickly.

And, I do mean BRISK! It was a balmy 34 degrees.

Why do I live in Utah again?!

I would also like the record to show that I attended a church function tonight and the main event was to bring and share your absolute favorite homemade treat. You guys, I live for homemade treats - well, I used to. There were peanut butter cup cookies and some sort of chocolate covered chex mix delight, brownies and 1,000 other types of cookies and Rice Krispie treats and all manner of deliciousness. And, guess what?

I had none of it.

Not one single morsel of sugar. 

Do you know that 8+ months later, it is still really hard? Avoiding sugar and other bad food will be hard every single day of my life. I am not always good at it. In fact, I haven't eaten so great the past few days. But, I prepared to succeed tonight. I ate a good meal before I left, drank a lot of water and chewed a delicious piece of gum...and, I did it!

Another small victory in my battle to be fit. 

I went to lunch with a friend today and was telling about some crazy thing that happened at the gym and that I was complaining to Mike about something (as per usual), then I said, "and it's just so frustrating because Mike just bosses us around and makes us do really hard things...and, for some strange reason, we do it!"

<<I am such a drama queen>>

My friend grabbed his phone and showed me a text I had sent him like the day before...

Well played friend.

In all honesty, Mike does control me.

And, I wouldn't have it any other way.

But, I don't have to like it and I will probably always complain about it, so buckle up.

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