Friday, September 26, 2014

An Apple A Day

I love Mountain Dew.

Correction, I loved Mountain Dew.

And, not just because I'm not supposed to have it. (Mike has nixed even diet drinks - he's no fun), but I haven't had it in so long that I don't really enjoy it anymore which - like the candy corn in a prior post - makes me a little sad. Only because I found so much enjoyment in it just a few months ago.

I had to drive 6 hours last night after our Thursday night workout at the gym. I was beyond exhausted when I finally reached my destination at 1:30 am. I stopped at 10:30 pm to get gas and - because I was so tired - I bought a diet Mountain Dew, excited to have a (valid) excuse to indulge in a little treat.

And, guess what? It was pretty gross. In fact, I only drank about 1/4 of it.

Anyway, it sounds like I am complaining. I'm not. It's good that my body and tastes have changed, just a little weird that something so delicious doesn't taste good anymore, at all.

Plus, the carbonation does not do good things to my stomach.

I have never had much of a tolerance for caffeine (I blame my parents because they never let me drink it when I was a kid), so when I drank Mountain Dew on the reg, I would usually drink it before noon so I had some chance of sleeping that night. It didn't usually work so I often found myself in the cycle of drinking a Mountain Dew to make it through the day, then taking a sleeping pill so I could sleep at night.

That's not a very healthy or fun way to live and I was always super tired.

Recently, I have been looking to other means to get more energy throughout the day and I am happy to report that I have found that an apple in the morning is working pretty well for me.

(I took this picture on my desk at work. I found an old, beat-up apple in my bag, stole a leaf from Erica's plant and a stem from another apple. I sliced it - not very evenly - with a plastic knife. You work with what you have).

I have always loved apples so this has not been a big adjustment for me.

I wash one as I leave for work, then eat it on the way and I don't usually feel tired throughout the morning - despite my current issues with insomnia.

Plus, and apple a day keeps me out of Mountain Dew Anonymous.

Here are some articles written by people who have found similar results replacing caffeine with an apple:

1 comment:

  1. haha I am eating an apple while reading this post! I love it!
