Monday, September 15, 2014

Remove Negativity From Your Life

(we got this image here)

How do you remove negativity from your life and free your mind to focus only on your limitless potential? The most important thing you can do to remove negativity from your life is to have a positive train of thought about EVERY SITUATION. What you think is what will happen. Believing you are destined to fail will cause you to do just that. Anything you want - from losing weight to gaining financial stability - requires you to think positive thoughts to succeed. We usually have negativity in our life from low self-esteem and lack of confidence. 

- The first thing you have to do is build your self-esteem and believe in yourself. Believe that you can accomplish anything in your life, because you can. You have the ability to go after your dreams and accomplish your goals. No one can stop you from achieving what you want.

- Surround yourself with positive people. If you are around negative people, you can't help but to be negative too. You haven't got time to waste. Negative people will drain your energy. When they find a willing audience, they won't let you go. They blame others for their problems and look for excuses. They are usually negative because they have ceded control of their happiness to others. Remove yourself from negative people. Be polite and encouraging but don't stoop to their level. You can be compassionate, but be strong enough to walk away. Everyone has problems, but not everyone allows those problems to rule them. You can offer a temporary safe haven without becoming a permanent home.

- Start every single day with the decision to be happy.

You decide your destiny each day. It's up to you how you handle people, problems and stress. You can't control a lot of things that happen in life, but you can control how you react. Make the decision first thing in the morning that you are going to be 100% positive all day long regardless of what happens.

(we got this image here)

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