Saturday, September 20, 2014

So Disappointing...

I love Fall and everything that comes with it.

One of my very favorite things about this season is candy corn.

Yep, you heard right.

I love regular candy corn, chocolate candy corn and those delicious little pumpkins.

I was telling this story to Jess, the owner of our gym, and he gave me this look and said, "Really Cali? No one loves candy corn. You're weird."

Um, okay...

So, as the only person on this entire planet who is obsessed with candy corn, I get really excited about Fall.

So far, I have survived this Halloween season (does it bother anyone else that Halloween stuff keeps popping up in the stores earlier and earlier every year? Pretty soon, we'll have the opportunity to start our celebration in June)...anyhoo, so far this year, I have successfully avoided purchasing a bag of candy corn because I am worried that I will scarf down the entire bag in one sitting and be sick for a whole week.

However, the other night, I was in a small local grocery store and saw that they sell candy corn in one of those bulk bins.


So, I justified buying one tiny scoop ($.86 worth) so that I can celebrate this wonderful season properly. When I got home, I opened the bag and quickly ate five pieces (2 pumpkins and 3 triangles).

And, guess what?

It tasted absolutely awful.

I was so disappointed. But, the worst part is that I immediately felt sick. Not super sick, but like I had just poured a bunch of straight sugar down my throat. I know that candy corn is pure sugar and corn syrup, but I didn't eat that much.

I was just surprised and a little disappointed that something I look forward to every year no longer tastes good.

It is encouraging though. I've made it almost 7 months with this "new lifestyle" and I'm excited about the changes I'm seeing. It was really hard to get past the constant carb/sugar cycle, but it's good that I don't crave them much anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you are not alone with your love of candy corn. That has been a favorite of mine since I was a child. How I looked forward to fall, and the sweetness of that candy. I used the pumpkins as decorations on top of cupcakes for school treats. I also looked forward to going to the carnivals in the summer. You could buy those lucious clouds of cotton candy, pure sugar rush. How times and taste buds have changed over the last couple of years. I can bypass those sweet, sugary treats, if only I could do,the same with pumpkin pie. That's a vegetable, right?
