Sunday, August 24, 2014


I have been working really hard at getting my endurance up to par…Cardio has never been one of my strong points but I am realizing I am starting to enjoy running (and by that, I mean Erica’s very, very, slow jog).  Recently I have been going to the rec center 2-3 times a week to use the indoor track.  Usually there are not many people at the track but there are a few regulars that I see from time to time.  One regular that has inspired me is a man I call “the old Chinese man.” He is the one person on the track that I CANNOT LET PASS ME!!!!   I don’t care if I die, but I cannot let this guy pass me as my pride is at stake here!!!  The girl in the wheelchair laps me always but I have convinced myself she would lap anyone else too (OK, probably not but makes me feel better about myself).  “The old Chinese man” has no idea how much he motivates me to move faster, but he does…  Recently  “the old Chinese man” came while I was on my last lap of the 2 miles I had completed.  I busted into “high gear” to pass him even though I was already exhausted. I came to the end of the lap and literally collapsed on the bench.  He made his way around the lap to where I sat panting and gasping for air and he had the NERVE to say (with a smile), “you giving up already?”  Oh man, he did not just say this!  If my legs could have gotten me up and moving, I would have chased him down and showed him what was up!!!  

So, the moral of my sad and pathetic tale is to find motivation in unlikely places.  

Also, you never know if you are someone else’s motivation. 


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