I just got home from another torturous training session. Close to the end, we were all doing different workouts. Mike put me on the treadmill at a 20% incline (roughly the same as the steepest part of Mount Everest) at 3.2 mph. And, he told me that I couldn't hold on.
Of course not.
So, I trodded along for a while doing the very best I could. Please keep in mind that this was well into our workout - like 45 mins in - and I was already completely exhausted. I went for a while not holding on at all, then I held on for a couple of minutes, then I took a quick break and stepped off the belt, just to catch my breath. I swear Mike has this superpower of knowing exactly when someone is slacking off - without even looking. He wasn't anywhere near me and I made dang sure I wasn't in his line of sight before I took this little rest. However, within 3 seconds he appeared out of nowhere, increased the speed to 3.5 and told me to get moving.
Are you kidding me?
Yeah, go ahead and make it harder since I was so successful the first time around. I'm pretty confident I am going to fall off a treadmill at some point in my life but I did not want today to be that day.
I am convinced that it is his mission to push me so hard that I throw up during a workout. No other person makes me want to swear as much as he does. Seriously, go pick on someone else.
I jumped back on and 'got moving' - for about 30 seconds as he walked across the gym to help Erica with whatever he was making her do (Um, let's talk about this for just a second. He went over to Erica and was literally holding both of her hands and helping her up while she was doing squats on the big tractor tire. All he does is yell at me and tell me to keep moving. Why does he hate me?!) His back was to me so I took this opportunity to sneak in another quick break because I still couldn't breathe.
All of a sudden, from clear across the gym - with his back still toward me and like 10 people in between us, I hear Mike yell: "CALI! GET MOVING!"
Are you freaking kidding me?! He couldn't even see me - not even in a reflection. I checked.
He is so evil.
Your workout stores are the best!! You definitely make me want to push myself harder. Or maybe that's Mike making me push myself....wow, he is mean! ;)