Mike has agreed to make regular contributions to this blog - a 'trainer tip of the week' of sorts. (It didn't even take much begging. He is nice some of the time). Here is a workout that will definitely get your heart rate up and make you sweat. Be sure to have some Tylenol on hand the next day.
If he were to write something to introduce this workout, it would probably be this: "Yo, I'm Mike and I like to make people cry. Do the following workout without stopping, then jump squat to the stop sign and back. If I catch you stopping, I will be on your butt for the rest of the workout. Let's go ladies!"
(He is for sure going to kill me when he reads that).
Here's the workout. Enjoy!
Perform one set of an exercise, stretch your muscles, then move immediately to the next exercise. Complete one set of each exercise in the circuit before resting 1-2 minutes. Repeat the circuit 2 times before moving on to the next circuit.
Circuit 1
repeat 2 times
15-20 reps dumbbell shoulder press
15-20 reps dumbbell bicep curl
15-20 reps dumbbell triceps extension
15-20 reps dumbbell delt skier kickbacks with front squats
3 min of brisk walk, followed by alternating between 1 min sprint and 1 min easy run, and 45 seconds recovery.
Repeat 2 times
Circuit 2
repeat 2 times
15-20 reps plate front raise
15-20 reps one arm cable curl (you can use bands if training at home)
15-20 reps barbell bicep curl
15-20 reps dumbbell triceps kickback
Great job keep up the good work!!! Don't stop believing. Be all you can be! Never give up! Look both ways before you cross the street! Don't touch that its hot! See I told you it was hot. Did you lock the door? Don't forget to use the bathroom before we go!