Sunday, July 27, 2014

Thought of the Week

Your success or failure in life depends 100% on your state of mind and attitude. You can achieve anything you desire in this life if you but allow yourself to believe it, commit yourself to it and work for it. Other than God, NOBODY in this world can stop you from achieving your dreams. You and only you can stop yourself. NOBODY has power over your mind, ambition, drive, learning, choices  and personal growth but YOU. Yes! I mean YOU.  You put the limitation in your own mind and nobody else. Your fears, self image, expectations in life, outgoingness or standards set by peers are what put limitations in your mind. Do not allow yourself to be held captive to your mind. As someone once said, 

"A wise man will be the master of his mind; a fool will be its slave." 

You have the power to choose how far you go in your life!

You have the power to use your thoughts to harness the incredible power of the mind to help you to achieve anything you desire in this life!

You have the power to think and, correspondingly, act in ways that precipitate success!

When you finally come to understand and believe that the first step towards success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you now find yourself, you will unlock a whole new powerful portion of you that your Heavenly Father gave you for that day when you decide to become all that He has created you to become.

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